Friday, August 31, 2012

Vaction Week!

I was really frightened at first about vacation. Who fears being off because of food, I guess I'm the only one. I made a lot of really great choices while I was busy with the boys, and it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I packed my food in a cooler and took it with me everyday, and when I did go out to eat I just stuck withlean protein , potato or rice, and lots of vegetables. I did have a small cheat fest on Saturday night with some very delicious chocolate chip cookies. I got right on track the next day. While on vacation I walked a lot on the beach, boardwalk , amusement parks,the zoo, museum's, golf, tennis, and burned a lot of calories. I lost 1.8 pounds this week, and I'm at a total of a 12 pound loss. As some wise people have pointed out to me that the number on the scale is not as important, and they are right. I feel great, and was able to build sand castles with my kids, and jump and run into the ocean with them, and not feel exhausted. I'm the kinda mom that I want to be. As I was jumping waves with my boys I heard a mom saying to her kids that she just couldn't do what I'm doing with her kids because she didn't have the energy. I turned around and smiled at her and said neither did I a few months ago. We started talking, and she was only 32 years old. She had 2 boys 5 and 8, and she was sad that her life came to this point. We had a really great conversation and she seemed motivated to make a change so she could just simply play with her kids. I really have learned we are what we eat. If you put sugar in your car gas tank, your car wont run, same goes with your body. I have always taught my kids to eat well, and they have always made better choices than I have. I really was a hypocrite. Knowing that's not good for you and not giving it to your children, but eating it yourself is not the right way to live. One night when me and the boys went out to dinner I asked them what did they want to drink? They all chose water with their dinner, and said they want to be healthy like me. I'm not saying all other drinks are bad for you, but I only have drank water, and tea since July 15th, and they noticed that. The positives of eating well and exercising have surpassed the "bad" food enticement, at least for this week, that is :-)


  1. Love the blog and glad you did well. P.S., I wouldn't worry about the "mom"'re already the kind of mom you want to be!
