I hate my scale Taylor!! I love honesty
this B.... is to much. Last week I lost 5 pounds, and this week I
gained 5 pounds. I cannot win!!! but I will never give up!!! I just
cant seem to get past this 20 pound lose. I switch food up , I have
even over indulged to try and reset, and nothing! I’m at the point
were I just want to eat whatever I want because it isn’t making any
impact. The only reason I wont give up is because honestly my old
lady acid reflux has disappeared because of my good eating habits.
Also, I have not gained weight, and I know if I let go, I will be in
real trouble. If I look at junk food the wrong way on a daily basis I
will gain 10 pounds without blinking.
Yesterday at the pool I got shoe string
fries, and acted like I made a healthy choice by not getting cheese
on my fries. All the ketchup that I put on surely made up for that.
Not to mention Christian's left over chicken finger that I enjoyed.
It was a downward spiral after that because last night I was going to
make brownies for the boys and I planned on eating like 4 of them.
Luckily for me there were no eggs to make the brownies and I was to
tired to go to the store. Laziness finally paid off for me once!